September 15, 2018 – General Membership Meeting

Present: Elise Bryant, Matt Losak, Gabe Gonzalez, Jazmin Gargoum, Rick Ehrmann, Mark Pattinson, Sally Yates, Paul Reilly, Cet Parks, Ben Cooper, Sheila Lindsey, Tim Fitzgerald. Bob Struckman and Huidong Cao

Phone: Seth Dietz, Ed Fortney, Dan Gabor, Justin Moyer, Luke Canfora, Chris Garlock

Excused – David DeJesus

Vice President Elise Bryant calls meeting to order at 10:15 AM

Joel Gratz made a quorum call. Quorum was not met. Joel made a motion to adjourn. Justin Moyer seconded. There was discussion about the merits of holding the meeting regardless of quorum for informational purposes. A vote was taken. Motion to adjourn due to lack of quorum was voted down.

I. Action Items

• Due to lack of quorum minutes were tabled until the next membership meeting since there was not a quorum to approve them.

II. New Business

• There was discussion on the Huidong Cao Arbitration Request Petition. Since Mr. Cao, the grievant, and Bob Struckman, who collected the petition signatures and put the item on the agenda, were both absent at this point in the meeting, the group decided to move this item to the next general membership meeting.

III. Old Business

• No old business issues discussed.

IV. EC Officer and Staff Reports

• Staff reports were moved to the next EC meeting.

Gabe Gonzalez motioned to adjourn; motion is seconded. Motion passes.