April 06, 2019 – General Membership Meeting

Washington-Baltimore News Guild
General Membership Meeting Minutes
Date of Meeting: April 6, 2019 (Baltimore Office)

EC Present: Steve Cook, Lillyanne Daigle, Scott Dance, David DeJesus, Tim Fitzgerald, Ed Fortney, Dan Gabor, Don Griesheimer, Mark Gruenberg, Fatima Hussein, Katie Mettler, Justin Moyer, Sam Nelson, Mark Pattison, Jeremy Sprinkle

Excused: Elise Bryant, Ben Cooper, Lydia Ealey, Fred Kunkle, Bill O’Meara, Carolyn Steptoe, Michelle Wang

Staff & Guests: Cet Parks, Paul Reilly, Bill Monroe

Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM

I.  Minutes

January 31, 2019

  • Don Griesheimer (American Nurses Association) moved, Justin Moyer (Washington Post) seconded approving the minutes of the Jan. 31 membership meeting. Motion carried.

II. Officer’s Reports

  • None

III. New Business

NEORP Solidarity Fund

  • WBNG executive director Cet Parks summarized the local’s history with segregated funds established at the request of bargaining units, such as the Baltimore Sun unit in 1987, and other units, most recently, HPAE, when it affiliated with WBNG. The AFT-NEROP proposal, he added, was vetted by WBNG legal counsel.
  • Moyer moved, Griesheimer seconded allowing AFT-NEROP members to authorize an extra assessment of $1 per week per member. A friendly amendment by Griesheimer to make the action “contingent upon” AFT-NEROP unit members was withdrawn, as it was part of the original motion. The original motion carried.

Stewards Committee

  • Moyer moved, Mark Gruenberg (at-large) seconded creating a local Steward’s Committee. After discussion, Moyer called the question. The motion to call the question was carried. The original motion carried.

Stewards Committee Appointments

  • Moyer moved, Gruenberg seconded the appointment of the following members to the Stewards Committee: Elise Bryant (at-large), chair, with members Lydia Ealey, United Food and Commercial Workers; Tiffany Heath, AFL-CIO; Jason Albright and Stephanie Cangelosi, both BBNA; and Sarah Kaplan and Freddy Kunkle, both Post. Motion carried. Paul Reilly was assigned to be the committee’s staff liaison.

Finance and Administration Committee

  • Moyer moved, Griesheimer seconded creating a Finance and Administration Committee. After discussion of the committee’s charge, which includes recommendations on strategic planning, the motion carried.

Finance and Administration Committee Appointments

  • David DeJesus (Post) moved, Gruenberg seconded the appointment of the following members to the Finance and Administration Committee: Justin Moyer, Post, chair, and members Fatima Hussein, BBNA; Lillyanne Daigle, M+R Consulting, Don Griesheimer, ANA, and Hau Chu, Post. From the floor, Dan Gabor (AFL-CIO) nominated Joel Gratz, AFL-CIO.
  • Motion carried. Cet Parks will serve as staff liaison to the committee.

Human Rights & Equity Committee

  • Mark Pattison motions, Jason Myer seconded creating a Human Rights & Equity Committee. After discussions the motion carried.

Human Rights & Equity Committee Appointments

  • David DeJesus motions, Mark Gruenberg seconded the appointment of David DeJesus (Chair), Scott Reynolds, Carolyn Steptoe, and Seth Dietz. Nominations from the floor included Jazmin Gargoum, and Mark Gruenberg nominated Tim Fitzgerald. The motion carried. Rick Ehrmann will serve as staff liaison to the committee.

IV. Old Business

  • None

V. Executive Council & Staff Reports

  • None

VI. Financials

Credit Card Expenditures/FY 18 Audited Financial Statements

  • Justin Moyer requested credit card expenditures discussion to be included in the FY 18 Audited Financial Statements review by Bill Monroe.
  • Auditor Bill Monroe reviewed audit report and Don Griesheimer motioned to adopt the audit report, seconded by Mark Pattison. After further discussions, the motion to adopt carries.

VII. Good & Welfare

  • Jazmin Gargoum raises issue of small units having better and more effective representation and communication, and requests access to Local’s email lists to reach out to membership.
  • After further discussion David DeJesus motions to approve, seconded by Mark Gruenberg. Motion Passes.

VIII. Adjournment

  • Don Griesheimer motions to adjourn, seconded by Justin Moyer. Motion carries and meeting is adjourned at 11:15 AM.