American Nurses Association workers have overwhelmingly ratified a new three-year collective bargaining agreement. The contract, ratified Feb. 18, provides for 3 percent raises in 2015, 2016, and 2017.
The previous ANA contract covering about 125 Guild members was set to expire Feb. 14. About an hour before midnight on Feb. 13, however, a tentative pact was achieved. The new agreement runs to Feb. 14, 2018.
American Nurses Association headquarters workers formed the independent Association Staff Union in 1994. In September 2000, the 120 staff members covered by an ASU contract voted to affiliate with the Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild. The ANA workers have been covered by Guild contracts since February 2001.
(A separate ANA headquarters unit, United American Nurses, with about 15 members, was represented by WBNG contracts from 2001 to 2009, when the UAN organization broke away from the larger association and became part of National Nurses United, AFL-CIO.)