EC Adopts New Credit Card Policy at May Meeting

The Executive Council of the Washington-Baltimore News Guild voted unanimously to adopt a new credit card policy at its monthly meeting on May 23. 

The policy doesn’t significantly alter the way our two credit cards will be used, because there is no evidence that they’ve been used improperly, but the policy clarifies how our union’s money can be spent and expressly lays out how members can review the local’s financial information, including receipts. 

EC member Steve Cook led the committee work, which included research into guidelines from the Department of Labor and local union resource materials from the Communication Workers of America. His leadership set a fresh and collegial tone for the work and helped lead a committee with an array of input from rank-and-file members and EC members alike. 

“We should all be proud of this credit card policy,” said WBNG President Robert Struckman. “Steve Cook did a wonderful job as chair. All of us should continue to push for accountability and transparency at our union. It will strengthen us and give members assurances that we can be a union that’s ready to meet the challenges of the 21st Century.”